目前分類:Clean、Disinfection (14)

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2010年 超夯拖把功效大評比 


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The Spin & Go is a revolutionary 360° rotating mop with a powerful spin cycle system! Simply step on it a few times, it generates up to 2600 times per minute, and it automatically spin-dry the mop.

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老虎蒸汽清潔機 STEAM TIGER ( Body Action )


STEAM TIGER老虎蒸汽清潔機可清潔任何任何物件

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蒸汽清潔消毒機 ( Body Action )


第二代Steam Tiger蒸汽清潔機,可加入稀釋消毒液,噴出的蒸汽高溫達90℃,完全符合世界衛生組織(WHO)的實驗報告:「SARS在攝氏37度的高溫下,病毒會死亡;攝氏56度以上,可迅速殺死病毒」。

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The Spin & Go is a revolutionary 360° rotating mop with a powerful spin cycle system! Simply step on it a few times, it generates up to 2600 times per minute, and it automatically spin-dry the mop.

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